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Hon. Kim Masland MLA

News release

Water, Wastewater Upgrades for Queens County

15 April 2024 | 1:10 PM

Municipal Affairs and Housing

Extending water and wastewater service in Queens County will support new housing in the Mount Pleasant area of Liverpool.

“Queens County is a beautiful place and a wonderful spot to live and work. We know more people are looking to our area as a place to live, and that means we need more housing and the municipal services that support it,” said Public Works Minister Kim Masland, MLA for Queens, on behalf of John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “Upgrading water and wastewater service and extending them to the Mount Pleasant area will allow development on these lands. They’re in walking distance to the hospital, high school and other amenities and will provide much-needed housing for this area.”

The total investment in the project is $21.5 million, with the Province investing $10.7 million and the Region of Queens Municipality $10.8 million.

The project will support development of more than 60 hectares of land, with 325 new homes for more than 1,000 people expected to be built. It will also improve the amount of water available for firefighting, improve water service to 1,250 existing homes and businesses and separate more than 500 metres of combined stormwater and sewer lines.

The project is part of the Municipal Capital Growth Program, a one-time $102-million investment in projects across the province, the largest provincial investment in municipal infrastructure in decades.


“Municipalities provide important services and infrastructure to the community. The upgrades and expansion of Region of Queens Municipality’s water and sewer infrastructure will increase the community’s prosperity and position us well for growth and attraction efforts. The significant financial contribution from the Province is greatly appreciated.”
Mayor Darlene Norman, Region of Queens Municipality

Quick Facts:

  • the Municipal Capital Growth Program, announced in February, was designed to respond to the infrastructure needs of municipalities and addresses critical issues like housing, climate change, accessibility and growth

Additional Resources:

News release – Significant Investment in Communities:
